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HTML Character Set

Below a list of the most common HTML special characters.

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Character Entity Number Entity Name Description
& & & ampersand
< &#60; &lt; less-than
> &#62; &gt; greater-than
&#145; &lsquo; single left quote
&#147; &ldquo; double left quote
&#146; &rsquo; single right quote
&#148; &rdquo; double right quote
  &#160; &nbsp; non-breaking space
¢ &#162; &cent; cent
£ &#163; &pound; pound
&#8364; &euro; Euro symbol
© &#169; &copy; copyright
® &#174; &reg; registered trademark
° &#176; &deg; degree
± &#177; &plusmn; plus-or-minus 
² &#178; &sup2; superscript 2
³ &#179; &sup3; superscript 3
· &#183; &middot; middle dot
¼ &#188; &frac14; fraction 1/4
½ &#189; &frac12; fraction 1/2
¾ &#190; &frac34; fraction 3/4
&#8211; &ndash; en dash
&#8212; &mdash; em dash
&#8226; &bull; bullet
&#8230; &hellip; horizontal ellipsis
&#8482; &trade; trademark

For the following characters, using upper or lowercase letter for the first character defines whether the displayed character is a CAPITAL or lowercase letter.

à &agrave;
á &aacute;
â &acirc;
ã &atilde;
ä &auml;
æ &aelig;
ç &ccedil;
è &egrave;
é &eacute;
ê &ecirc;
ë &euml;
ì &igrave;
í &iacute;
î &icirc;
ï &iuml;
ð &eth;
ñ &ntilde;
ò &ograve;
ó &oacute;
ô &ocirc;
õ &otilde;
ö &ouml;
× &times;
ø &oslash;
ù &ugrave;
ú &uacute;
û &ucirc;
ü &uuml;
ý &yacute;
ÿ &yuml;
ß &szlig;
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